Quality Care For All Ages

Our Blog

Welcome to the blog of Murray Utah Dentist Stephen D. Haslam! Check out our blog daily for the latest tips on Dentistry. We will post videos on our blog explaining some of the things we do in our office along with current articles. Maybe even a joke or two!  We want our patients to be informed on the latest trends in Dentistry and maybe even answer questions you might have. Along with our blog,  you can follow us on Facebook where we will have specials not only from our office but also companies that we do business with. 


convention 2016

Tons of fun at the Utah Dental Convention!







Here is the benefit of having your Grandma work at a dental office.  She can clean your teeth.  Ellie is Denise’s 3 year old granddaughter.  First check up and she did great.  Her two older brothers are making sure she is “brave”.  All three cavity free!










This Veteran’s Day we would like to honor our patient Stephen R. Jackson.  Thank you Steve for your service.  We would like to acknowledge all those serving or have served our country. Happy Veteran’s day to you all!

1RVNSRJandCobra (1)

1992 COL Tom Brewer CW4 Dennis Seals LTC Steve Jackson COL Robert Mabey

Lowe and Jackson 1971“I joined the US Army in 1966 two weeks after I turned 18, to become a warrant officer Army Aviator and fly helicopters.

After enlisting I returned home and told my parents… my mom cried and my dad said, “Son, I’m proud of you just don’t fly helicopters… they’re “death traps.”

After eight weeks of Army basic training at Ft Polk, LA, I began US Army helicopter flight school at Ft Wolters, TX just west of Dallas – Ft Worth.  Nine months later I was awarded the rank of warrant officer WO-1 and received Army Aviator wings at Ft Rucker, AL on 15 December 1967.  By the way, the wings were sterling silver and made by O.C. Tanner in Salt Lake City, UT.

In January of 1968 I learned to fly the Bell Helicopter AH-1G Cobra and as a 19 year old pilot arrived in the Republic of Vietnam on Valentine’s Day, 14 February 1968 right in the middle of the TET Offensive by the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong.  As we made our midnight approach to Bien Hoa Airbase in Vietnam, I remember thinking as I peered out the window seeing the explosions, flares, and tracer rounds, “A guy could get killed over here!”

I served two separate year-long combat tours of duty flying Cobras and twin rotor heavy lift CH-47 Chinooks with no crashes and no wounds.

I originally enlisted thinking I’d be in for three years, then get out, go on an LDS mission, and become a dentist.  When I determined I had no aptitude for chemistry, dental school was out and nearly 31 short but amazing years later, I retired from the US Army with a little less than 7,800 hours of flying time and the rank of colonel.  7,800 hours equals nearly a year or… 325 twenty four hour days or… 975 eight hour work days sitting in the cockpit of an aircraft under day/night/all-weather/ and combat conditions.

When I retire this coming summer I will have worked for the Salt Lake City Department of Airports (SLCDA) for over 20 years.  Until then I will continue to manage the Department’s three General Aviation airports.

My wife , the former Shauna Sorenson of Holladay, UT and I have seven children and 21 grandchildren and for the past 28 years have resided in Cottonwood Heights near the mouth of Big Cottonwood Canyon.

I was blessed to have served with skilled, honorable, and dedicated true American patriots.”

God bless America!


OUCH!!! Poor Holdyn was riding his bike and ran into a parked truck!  One appointment with composite fillings.  Glad we could fix him back up.  Be careful Holdyn!!

Stephen D Haslam murray dentist Holdyn












Fun Times!  How much dental floss is in the jar?  Drawing today.  Take a guess on our Facebook page.  Great prize.

wk contest 2












Happy Spring? Looking out my window today, it looks a little more like winter. Anyway, we have some exciting news to share and have some fun with. Our hygienist, Cami, is pregnant with her second child! We are so happy for her and her husband Todd. We know Porter is going to be a great big brother. We thought we would have a few fun contests along the way. First up, Boy or Girl?? Cami will find out on April 21st. Cast your vote on what you think. All the boy guesses and all the girl guesses will be in 2 different jars. YOU can only have one guess, but your family members can play, too. The prize is a $25 gift from Daniel’s Fine Chocolates. Just in time for Mother’s Day! (or just for you) We will have Cami draw a name at work on April 23rd. We are going to have a lot of fun in the upcoming months!!

Are you ready for some Spring fun? We are giving away a $50 gift card to the Living Planet Aquarium. To enter, just tell us how many times you flossed this week. Don’t lie!! We will randomly draw a winner, but if you want to floss a bunch, do it!!
The drawing will be held March 25th. Only one comment per person, but other family members can participate. Good luck and don’t forget to floss.

February is National Children’s Dental Health Month.  Delta Dental has come up with a really fun website for kids.  Check it out today!  http://www.mysmilekids.com/index.html


Always fun to celebrate something together as an office family. We are celebrating the upcoming wedding of Sid’s daughter Stevie.

bottom row l-r  Sid, Stevie, Sue

top row  l-r  Kirby, Denise, Cami, Patrea, Vicki, Cindy, Kathy




dentist/murray utahIntroducing Cami Labrum!  Cami is our new hygienist.  She graduated from Salt Lake Community College where she received the Golden Scaler award and was Sigma Phi Alpha in her class.  We are so happy to have her on board with us. Cami works on Thursdays from 8:00 to 5:00.  Drop by and meet her.



Are you looking for a dentist in Murray, Utah?  Is this your first visit to Stephen D. Haslam’s blog?  What’s your plan for the New Year?  Cosmetic Dentistry, Veneers, Sedation dentistry, Family Dentist, Wisdom teeth?  We do it all!! Check out our Facebook page or Google +.  we can help you with your New Year dental resolutions!

murray dentistIf we had a Hall of Fame at our office, our hygienist Vicki Lee would be inducted. Vicki has been with us for 14 years and she has now decided it is time for her to retire. She has not only provided exceptional hygiene skills to our patients, but she has done so with tremendous care and compassion. Since graduating with honors in 1985, her goal has been to provide her patients with the best possible care and she certainly did that. She has been a great friend to all of us and will continue to be so after she leaves. We are excited for her and know she will enjoy spending more time with her husband, two daughters and most importantly her dog, Koda!!!  On behalf of our office and our patients, thank you Vicki.
dentist/murray utahWe would like to honor our patient Rock Kesselring this Veteran’s Day.  Rock enlisted in the Army in 1966.  He did his basic and advanced training at Fort Ord.  His first duty post was at San Francisco Letterman Hospital where he was Personnel Specialist.  He was ordered to Vietnam in 1967 where he was Company Clerk  for the 4th Military Intelligence in Pleiku.  After one year, he was transferred to Germany to be a Personnel Officer with the 32nd Army Air Defense Command.  He came home in 1969.  He is a long time employee of Delta and is happily married to Cynthia and father to Peter, Jenni and son in law Alex.  We are proud of Rock and all of our current military and Veterans.  Happy Veteran’s Day.

Congratulations to Dr. Haslam and our hygienist, Patrea, for the great job at the Snow Canyon 5K and half Marathon. Patrea took first in her age group for the 5K and Dr. Haslam took 2nd in his age group in the 5k.


Teaching by example!  This awesome big sister showed her little brother how easy it was to come to the dentist for a check up
murray utah dentist/dentist 84107 murray utah dentist.










It’s not always about super models!  This gentleman wanted to improve not just his smile, but his chewing.  He wasn’t interested in a “perfect smile”, just a perfect one for him.  We were able to add composite fillings and even out the appearance of his front teeth in one office visit.  He was thrilled with the results. The added bonus?  Affordable!

murray family dentist







We often think that regular check-ups are just for cavities.  Not true!  Check out this short video about oral cancers.


Accidents happen!  This cute young lady was running around with her brother and her face hit the floor.  We were able to bond one tooth back together and added a composite filling to the chipped one.  Good as new and ready for school the next day.

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Here are a couple more great before and after shots of a recent patient.  As you can see, he had chipped his front teeth.  In one easy visit, we were able to repair his teeth with composite fillings.  Good as new!













Happy 2014 everyone!  Is one of your New Year’s resolutions a bright new smile?  We can do so much for you!  Here is a recent patient.  He had crowns that were 20+ years old.  Over time, the margins were no longer tight along his gumline and it was not just noticable, it did not promote good dental health.  He had deep periodontal pockets.  The old crowns also had metal margins that were quite noticable.  We replaced his crowns with all porcelain crowns.  The results are beautiful and natural in appearance.  He just had his teeth cleaned this last week and his pockets have greatly improved.  We were also able to even out the length of his teeth.  He is very happy with his results.  Everyone’s mouth is diferent, but come in to see us and let’s talk about what we can do to help you feel good about your smile!

kelly before kelly afterKelly after lips down







Congratulations to Blair and Kara Lyon on winning our drawing for a $50 Target gift card!

From our families to yours, we wish eveyone a very Merry Christmas and a safe, healthy and Happy New Year.

Haslam Staff & Spouses...minus Camacho's 12-5-13







Haslam office at , Midvale Winter Shelter 12-5-13

This year before our annual office dinner with our spouses, we visited the Road Home Shelter in Midvale.  We served dinner to about 200 people, many of which were kids.  It certainly put the holidays into perspective for us.

We can help you this Christmas.  Our drawing for the month of December is a $50 gift card from Target.  Just “like” us on facebook to enter.  The drawing is December 16th.

The holidays are here whether we are ready or not!  We are running a special on our at home bleach kits for $99.  You can buy gift certificates and use them anytime this year.  Buy one for yourself.  You deserve it!

We have several veterans and active military patients in our paractice.  We wanted to honor one this Veteran’s day. We asked Omar Villarreal’s wife to write a little bit about her husband’s service. 
Since joining the Utah National Guard in January of 2007, my husband has served in many capacities. From Feb. 2007-July 2007 he was in Columbia, South Carolina for Basic Training and his advanced individual training to be an admin guy. In 2008 he went to South Korea to support military exercises with the South Korean military. In 2009 he went to Texas to go through a 5 month training course so he could be in the military intelligence. After that in 2009 he went to the Dominican Republic as linguist support. The group he went with went to help build roads down there. In 2010 Omar was called to deploy to Iraq to help with Operation Iraqi Freedom, later on it was called Operation New Dawn.  He was with one of the last groups to go in before all the troops came out. He was gone for a year helping train the Iraqi soldiers. Omar recently signed up for another 6 years to serve this wonderful country that we live in. We are so very proud of him and love him so much.”
Thank you for taking the time to honor him,
Eleisha Villarreal
Thank you to all of our Veteran’s and active duty military.
Look at these great before and after pictures of our office manager.  This was done by reshaping and adding composite fillings to her front teeth,  No crowns, no veneers, just fillings!  Come by and check out Sid’s beautiful smile and see what we can do for you.

sid before sid after






Congratulations to Karen Prestwich for being the lucky winner of our last drawing.  Lucky girl….free massage!  Check back on our Facebook page for our next drawing.


We have had a couple of winners from our facebook contests.  Congratulations to Amy Walton and Anne Barr.  Check back with us soon for your next opportunity.

Has your Dentist recommended sealants  for your kids?  Here’s a great little video from the ADA explaining what they are.


We are so lucky to live in the U.S.!  One of our hygienists, Vicki Lee, recently went to China.  Here are a couple of pictures taken of a dental office.



A commom complaint that we hear from patients is about spacing between their front teeth.  Sometimes you need veneers to correct the problem, but often simple composite fillings can do the trick.  We are able to match your teeth perfectly.  This patient was very happy with his results.
